FlowForm AS’s ethical guidelines are a desire and ambition to establish a proactive collaboration with our partners to promote ethical, social and environmental conditions. These guidelines summarize the requirements that FlowForm AS is committed to, and that we require our partners to comply with.

1. Business Conduct

FlowForm AS must be committed to ethical behavior and to respect the human rights of international treaties and internationally recognized standards.

We strive for an open and confidential dialogue with our partners. We distance ourselves from bribery, money laundering and other illegal or unethical practices in all their forms. We expect our partners to act responsibly and follow the highest ethical values.

FlowForm AS shall record and report all information about business transactions accurately and honestly, and create, retain and dispose of evidence of such transactions in accordance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

2. Work and human rights

FlowForm AS is committed to respecting and promoting the human rights of our employees, such as equality, non-discrimination and freedom of association. We distance ourselves from the use of child labour, forced labor and other practices that violate human rights in all their forms. We do not accept discrimination, threats, oppression or harassment in any form. All our employees shall have the right to free association and collective bargaining in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. Each employee shall be compensated in a correct and fair manner in accordance with his or her individual performance and contribution to the company’s success. Compensation paid to our employees is in accordance with all applicable wage laws. Working hours must be in accordance with national legislation and agreements.

3. Health and safety

FlowForm AS believes that it is of fundamental importance to offer a safe and healthy working environment. Safe workplaces and personal protective equipment must be provided for employees. Equipment and tools must be in good order and suitable for the corresponding task. Employees must be provided with appropriate health and safety information and training. Procedures must be in place to identify, handle, register and report occupational injuries and illnesses. We shall implement corrective measures to eliminate the root causes of injuries and illnesses

4. Environment

FlowForm AS will work to protect the environment and to minimize the impact of our activity and products on the environment. We expect our partners to comply with all environmental laws, regulations and permits related to their operations. Our partners must identify and strive to reduce the environmental risks associated with their operations.